
Shirt/Panjabi Box


Holo Press makes customize Paper box which is usually used to carry product or protect product damages, this kind of boxes is very essential for your branding and to upgrade your business.
If you are looking for a trusted and affordable printing organization than Holo Press is the best printing and packaging company in Bangladesh.

Fell free to visit our office to get sample and quote.



We handle each part of a print work in-house. Everything including: format plan or procuring client craftsmanship from plate or download, indicating a proof, printing, collapsing, authoritative, opening punching, rankle or skin covering, pass on cutting, boxing, and delivery. With this ability, we can more readily control our conveyances. All things considered, we produce printed things in about Seven days or less from the date of the affirmed confirmation.
On the off chance that you might want more data about Holo Press or our capacities, it would be ideal if you don’t hesitate to send a mail or call us directly.

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